A project that produces 'authentic' data streams with immutable owner and subscriber rights. Enabled by Zymbit secure hardware wallet and Ethereum Smart Contracts.


A proof-of-concept platform for publishing, managing, and monetizing authentic data streams with immutable owner and subscriber rights. Enabled by Zymbit embedded hardware wallets and Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Project Objectives

  • Collect data from the physical world
  • Verifiable data authenticity (source and integrity)
  • Assign immutable ownership rights
  • Management framework for granular access rights
  • Facilitate transactions between owners and authorized subscribers

Project Overview

Remote Patient Monitoring

Proof of concept application for ZORAQLE

Low cost medical sensors have enabled large volumes of personal physical data to be collected from patients and shared with applications and third parties.

The utility and value of this data can be increased substantially if the authenticity (source and integrity) of the data is verified, and the access rights to the data are managed.

In this application we are using ZORAQLE to establish ownership, verify authenticity, and manage subscriber rights to patient data.

Hardware Oracle

The hardware oracle is built upon Zymbit’s Secure Compute Module  and Secure Compute Node reference platform.

The oracle collects and processes two types of data:

  • Primary Data – Raw sensor data that is posted off-chain via the API
  • Derived Data – Packaged, hashed, and signed primary data that is posted on-chain through the smart contract.

The onboard HD hardware wallet is used to derive unique and separate keypairs to support granular verification of data integrity.

Web Application

The Zoraqle web app is a dashboard style application which interfaces with smart contracts and the Zoraqle API to allow owners and subscribers to meet, establish a price, and seamlessly transact data in exchange for Ether.

Smart Contracts

Project Zoraqle leverages smart contracts to formalize agreements between owners and subscribers. The smart contracts support the following functionality:

  • Allow owners to manage all access rights to and set prices for granular data streams.
  • Allow authorized subscribers to purchase access to data streams for specified periods of time.
  • Hardware oracle posts signed digests of data packets on-chain.


The Zoraqle API is a backend service which is responsible for posting data off-chain and retrieving off-chain data for clients. It uses a signature based authentication scheme to verify the identity of the client with regard to the contract. The API can be integrated in any enterprise application, given the proper credentials.


Login with Metamask

Metamask provides a convenient framework for authenticating access to and interacting with Zoraqle contracts. Transaction related costs and receipts can be linked to your Metamask account.

zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


  • View all available devices and their metadata
  • Request to become an authorized subscriber
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


Device and Subscriber Management

  • Devices under management
  • Data sources & streams
  • View Contract details
  • Authorize Subscribers
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


Set Pricing

  • Set pricing for granular data streams
  • View transaction history
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


View Data

View and download all primary data from each data stream

zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


Authenticate Data

  • View all derived data packets
  • Authenticate all primary packets
  • Download “Authenticity” reports
  • Set sampling period for the oracle
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


Purchase Data

Buy access to granular data streams for a specified period of time

zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


Access Data

  • View transaction history
  • View and download data from purchased data streams
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto


Authenticate Data

  • View all derived data packets
  • Authenticate purchased primary packets
  • Download “Authenticity” reports
zymbit programmable hardware wallet for blockchain & crypto

Interested in learning more?

Zoraqle is a work in progress project that started summer 2022. If you’d like to get more information or participate in its development, then we’d love to hear from you !

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Check out some of the technologies we used to build this proof of concept, including smart contracts.
If you’d like to get more information or discuss you specific application, then we’d love to hear from you !

120 Cremona Drive, Goleta, 

California, 93117, USA

+1 (805) 481 4570


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